Recently, Mike Hutchinson (the author of Gaslands) made a post to Facebook about an expansion he is working on and with a notice about a model building competition.
The Model building competition is to build a Custom War Rig, paint it and then submit a picture of it to Mike. If it is awesome, he may very well use it in his Free PDF Expansion to Gaslands. The competition goes until March 1st, 2018. The place to send your excellent and well lit photos to is… [email protected]. See the original Facebook Post below for more details.
So, dust off your trucks and find yourself a War Rig!!!
Original Facebook Post…

Text Format…
Coming soon as a free PDF expansion, SAVAGE HIGHWAYS is a branching narrative Gaslands campaign that sees one player piloting a War Rig and her riggers, whilst the other players battle to bring her down across three linked scenarios.
We want to feature YOUR custom War Rig builds in the expansion. To see your custom built War Rig in the first Gaslands expansion:
1. Build a sweet War Rig
2. Paint her up nice
3. Take a couple of clear, in focus, well lit photographs of her and email high resolution images to [email protected]
Feel free to post a picture below too, but I can only accept high resolution photos as final entries.
Closing date: 1 March 2018
Any questions, bang ‘em below.
HIGH RESOLUTION means greater than 2000 pixels on it’s shortest side (ideally over 3000) and uncompressed, so likely at least 4MB filesize or larger. Smartphone cameras are to be avoided, borrow a camera off that photography nerd friend of yours.
BACKGROUNDS should be either flat white (use a big bit or paper or a bed-sheet) or a nicely laid-out diorama. I can’t accept things with workbench backdrops.
COPYRIGHT: avoid anything too obviously a big entertainment brand. Unless highly disguised, GW Ork buggies and Transformers toys will likely have to get turned down for legal reasons (although I defer to Osprey on these questions always.)
If you want to know more about Gaslands, check out my Spotlight Article about the game. I think Osprey Games will have a real hit with this one!
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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