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Update on the Frostgrave Folio Nickstarter

Today I looked at the Frostgrave Folio Nickstarter page and I was quite happy with what I saw. The campaign has sailed past all of its original stretch goals and North Star has added a new sales goal. If the new goal is met, North Star Military Figures will add a Female Sigilist Apprentice to every Nickstarter order of the Frostgrave Folio.

This is the female Sigilist Apprentice just added as a new Stretch goal. Image from the Frostgrave Folio Nickstarter page.


To achieve this goal, North Star has to pre-sell roughly 300 more books (as of February 9). Sounds doable. An earlier post of mine linked to reviews of some of the books content. For those not interested in going back to that original post, I will recap here what is included in North Star’s Nickstarter deal.
Cover of the Frostgrave Folio. Image from North Star’s Nickstarter Page.
If you buy the Frostgrave Folio book through North Star (at its normal price), they give you the book along with a bunch of extras for free! The free extras currently include…
One sprue of Frostgrave Barbarians. Image from North Star’s Nickstarter Page.
A helmet and mace to model the barbarian on the Folio cover. Image from North Star’s Nickstarter Page.


This Awesome Sigilist Wizard. Image from North Star’s Nickstarter Page.
The Barbarian Sprue alone sold me on this Nickstarter. Adding in the custom Barbarian bits and Sigilist sealed the deal. Now, there is potential for even another free figure with the purchase of this book. That is nice. I am very excited about this campaign.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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