Unboxings Games is one of the things that Must Contain Minis enjoys sharing with its readers. Zombicide: Black Plague is a game that I wanted since the Kickstarter Campaign started. For Christmas, one of my family members bought me the retail version of the game. Let’s open it up and see what is in there.
Zombicide: Black Plague Unboxing |
Inside is a nicely done rule book. |
Underneath it is a box of miniatures. |
Under the box of miniatures is a series of gaming tiles and tokens. |
Inside the miniatures box are dice, cards,player dashes and plenty of miniatures. |
This is the second row of miniatures in the box. Lots of Zombies to fight through here. 🙂 |
The Cards. |
Two punch-boards of tokens. |
The map-tiles all laid out in a random fashion. These tiles are double sided. |
Above are the Character Cards. |
Of course, what Must Contain Minis likes the most about any Board Game is the Miniatures. Below is a better look at the minis contained.
The Heroes. |
Baldric, the Wizard. |
Ann. This Battle Nun type character looks awesome to me and is one of my favourites in the set. |
Samson the Dwarf. I love dwarfs in general. Thanks for including a Dwarf mini in the game!!! |
Nelly. |
Clovis. This guy is cool. |
Silas. |
I was very impressed with these hero miniatures and they are begging to be painted. Now, let’s look at the Zombies of this game.
A Necromancer. |
An Abomination. |
A Fatty Zombie. |
A Running Zombie. |
A Zombie Walker. |
Because Must Contain Minis participates in many Miniatures-Agnostic games, I like to include a scale comparison between the miniatures in the game and other popular lines. Check these out…
Left to Right… 28mm North Star Miniature, 32mm Reaper Miniature, Zombicide Hero, 28mm North Star Miniature. |
Left to Right… 28mm North Star Miniature, 32mm Reaper Miniature, Zombicide Hero, 28mm North Star Miniature. |
Left to Right… 32mm Reaper Miniatre, 28mm North Star Miniature, Zombicide Hero. |
Heroes vs an Abomination. |
Zombie Scale Comparison… 28mm North Star Miniature, Zombicide Miniature, 28mm Mantic Games Zombie. |
Zombie Scale Comparison… 28mm North Star Miniature, Zombicide Miniature, 28mm Mantic Games Zombie. |
Zombie Scale Comparison… 28mm North Star Miniature, Zombicide Miniature, Mantic Games Zombie. |
Dwarf Scale Comparison… 32mm Reaper Miniature, Zombicide Hero, 28mm RAFM Dwarf. |
Heroines Scale Comparison… Zombicide Miniature vs 32mm Reaper Pathfinder Miniature. |
As one can see, the Zombicide figures all appear to be 32mm “true scale.” Although their features (heads, hands and weapons) are smaller than Reapers’ 32mm models, I believe that the Zombicide Miniatures are close enough that they can be used alongside the miniatures of other manufacturers.
I hope that everyone enjoyed this unboxing.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Pingback: Happy New Year - 2018 - Must Contain Minis
Thanks for the scale comparison pictures. That was immensely helpful!
Thank you for the feedback. 🙂
I hope you actually played the game. The Zombicide series is quite fun even outside of just the painting aspect.. Cheers
Kelly!!! Long time since I last chatted to you. Happy that you like the article. I actually have not played Zombicide much yet. There are just so many games to try out. 😉