A little while ago, I got my hands on the Dorilates and Lochagos City States Offer Miniatures for Conquest by Para Bellum Games. In this post, we quickly look at those two miniatures and what they do in the game.
The City States Lochagos Officer
This officer acts at the voice of their commanding officer. They Relay orders and ensure that they are carried out.

You can place this character in stands units of Thorakites, Hoplites and Phalangites. In game, the Lochagos has the following effect for the unit it is in.
This Regiment may use the Resolve Characteristic of a Friendly Character Stand within 18″ as if it was attached to this Regiment. Furthermore, if this Army’s Warlord Character Stand activates its “Battlefield Orders” or “Battlefield Tactics” Draw Event, while within 18″ of this Command Stand, then the Regiment this Officer is attached to also receives the same effect until the end of the Round.
Quote from the special rules in the Conquest Army Builder App.

If you want to look at the images in the gallery above larger, I’ve linked to their media files.
The City States Dorilates Officer
This character is the veteran of the group who

You can place the Dorilates in Hoplites and Phalangites units in Conquest. The army builder explains his special rules as follows.
If this Officer is part of a Phalangites Regiment’s Command Stand, the Regiment, including any Auxiliary and currently attached Character Stands, gains the Flurry Special Rule.
Quote from the special rules in the Conquest Army Builder App.
If this Officer is part of a Hoplite’s Regiment’s Command Stand, the Regiment, including any Auxiliary and currently attached Character Stands, gains the Relentless Blows Special Rule.
Flurry allows the stand that the character is in to re-roll all failed hit rolls when performed in a Clash or Duel action. The Relentless Blows rule makes it so each hit roll of a 1 causes and additional automatic hit on the target during a Clash or Duel.

If you want to look at the images in the gallery above larger, I’ve linked to their media files.
Building the Models
I didn’t take any pictures of the build, but the figures come as resin models that you need to assemble. There is some standard clean-up to do of resin, but the models look really good once built and go together easily.
Wrapping it up…
Today’s post is a quick review and look at two miniatures for the game Conquest by Para Bellum Games. These figures are a part of the City States line of miniatures.
If you find yourself interested in these miniatures, or any other ones by Para Bellum, head on over to their e-store [affiliate] and use coupon code MCM to save 10% off your first purchase.
I hope that you enjoyed this post and thank you for reading.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!