The Desolation Squad is the new super unit for Space Marines in Warhammer 40K. In this post, I take you through the 10 miniatures that I built when I got my hands on these figures. Join me in this review of Games Workshop’s Desolation Squad.
These miniatures come 5 to a pack. I was lucky to grab 10 of them in the Strike Force Agastus Battle Force box earlier this year. That is no longer available unless you make a lucky find somewhere. From there, I also reviewed the Brutalis Dreadnought and the Lietenant, but let’s get back onto the Desolation Squad.
Table of Contents
The Sprues
The sprues of the Desolation Squad are as below.

The weapon sprue.

The Space Marine sprue.
All these pieces below make up a single Space Marine miniature, so there are a few steps to building these folks.

Building them was extremely simple and there were directions, so I am going to jump straight to the finished product. Check these guys out.
The Superfrag Desolation Squad

When you are facing soft targets, this is the squad you want to take with you.

First up, we have a leader armed with a vengor launcher and a castellan launcher. With these two weapons, a pistol and a close combat weapon, this Sergeant is armed to the teeth. Hey can bring absolutely devastating indirect fire upon your enemies.

The rest of the figures in this group I armed with the superfrag rocket launcher as their optional weapon. This adds for some great blast weaponry to take on your softer targets.

Of course, they also have a pistol, close combat weapon and the indirect castellan launcher too.

These soldiers will be a force for any enemy to deal with. Given the amount of indirect fire weapons they have, you can hide them behind cover and shower your opponent with shots even while out of line of sight.

There special ability gives the squad the ability to ignore cover with their launchers when they remain stationary. That is a huge benefit.
The Superkrak Desolation Squad
When you are dealing with a heavier target, this is the desolation squad that you will want to deploy.

These guys pack the superkrak rocket launcher. It doesn’t have as many shots as the superfrag, but it hits a lot harder.

Like the previous group, I armed the leader with the vengor launcher. Afterall, this squad is about hitting the enemy from a distance and while out of site.

I then armed the rest of the group with the Superkrak. This is a high strength, high damage weapon with a decent amount of armour piercing too.

They also bring along their castellan launcher (which is good versus soft targets out of line of site), pistols and close combat weapons.

Again, these squads are armed as heavy as one could hope.
More about the Unit
Points wise, these miniatures cost a lot. I am not going to state the value here, but you can check out the latest value using the Munitorum Field Manual on the Warhammer Community Downloads Page. The points change, but that is one of the two places where you get the current points values for 10th edition Warhammer 40K.

You field these soldiers in groups of 5. Originally you could take more, but 5 is the size of a current squad.

If you are looking for indirect artillery for your Space Marine army, this is the kit for you to purchase. While these soldiers are about their launchers, the secondary weapons on them are super powerful!
Normally, I would show a scale comparison image, but given that these are Primaris sized Space Marines, I am going to guess that the size comparison is unnecessary.
Getting Your Hands on These Miniatures
Given that these miniatures are coming from Games Workshop, you can always buy them direct from there. That said, I prefer to support other stores. Check your friendly local gaming store if you have one. You can also check out Amazon [Affiliate Link], or other online retailers like Wayland Games [Affiliate Link].

As always, if you buy from one of the affiliate links above, a small portion of the purchase price goes to MCM as commission at no extra charge to you. It is a way to support the site while getting yourself something nice.
Now, let’s bring this article to a close.
Wrapping it up…
The Space Marine Desolation Squad by Games Workshop is a great little set of figures. It took a little bit of time for the look of the weapon systems to grow upon me, but I like the aesthetic of them now.

Build wise, they are simple, and I would advise that you just follow the directions. The only mess up that I had was that I placed the wrong weapon system cameras on the backpack with the first group. I fixed that mistake as soon as I noticed.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!