Welcome to my Anatolia Battlefleet Review for Dystopian Wars.
Although I have not yet played Dystopian Wars I really enjoy inspecting and building the miniatures that go with the game. They are very small models and there is something satisfying about building them. On top of that, Warcradle Studios gives you many options on how to build each of miniatures in all of their Battlefleet Sets for Dystopian Wars to date. That is no different in this this model kit.

Now, let’s get into it.
The Anatolia Battlefleet Review
If you look at the back of the box, they show you all of the ways in which you can build the fleet’s ships. So cool!

Inside the box you get a couple of sprues for the cruisers and the destroyers. You also get the resin capital ship.

These miniatures are a little more complicated than some of the other miniatures I’ve made by Warcradle, but they end up looking great. Like most Dystopian Wars miniatures, I had to build these with tweezers. Perhaps your fingers have more dexterity, but I find tweezers really help.

These side pontoons require a little more work than other war cradle studios kits. That said when you get them on there’s a certain satisfaction that goes with getting the job done.

Here’s the completed battlefleet along with all the extras come box.

The Video Review
Earlier I created a video review of this cool Battlefleet. If the embedded video below does not work, you can also find it here.
Related Links
If you liked this post, here are some related links that I think you will also like.
- Dystopian Wars
- Warcradle Studios
- Shop all sorts of miniatures and games on Wayland Games [Affiliate Link]
- The Battlefleet on Wayland Games [Affiliate Link]
- My Ice Maiden Review for Dystopian Wars
- Review of the Paint Chest you see in the background
Now, let’s wrap this article up.
Wrapping it up…
Overall, I had a lot of enjoyment building the Anatolia battlefleet set for Dystopian Wars. If you want to get your hands on these, check Wayland Games [Affiliate Link] or your favourite retailer.
Special thanks goes out to Wayland games for sending me this product for review.

Until next time, happy gaming everyone.