Broken Minis. It happens to all of us at some point in time. Do you cry over it, or do you do what you can to fix it. Perhaps a bit of both.
A little while back, I dropped a metal tray by accident onto a small group of minis. This resin miniature by Westfalia Miniatures paid the price. Her sword broke off.
To fix it, I cracked out my assembly handle and used that to hold the sword in place as some super glue dried.

You may recognize this figure. I have a painting tutorial for her on YouTube and a comprehensive written tutorial on this site too that covers everything on how to prep and paint this miniature.
The repair itself was very easy. I was lucky. It could have been much worse.
Just a dab of super glue on the sword and press it back onto the hilt using the assembly handle.
The handle that I have is no longer available, but GW does have a similar Citable Assembly Stand that works together with their new style painting handle.

For this repair, I am happy that I had this handle to help me out.
Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you don’t find yourself in this situation often. We put so much time and work into our minis, it is sad when they break – no matter the reason.
Fortunately, this broken mini was quick to repair. Again, I am so happy that I had this tool to fix her broken sword. Without it, I would not have had the patience to fix this model.
Thanks for joining me in this quick article. Hopefully you didn’t get too sad seeing a mini have to go in for repair. 🙂
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!