You’ve heard me talk about my miniature gaming studio space before, but now it is coming together. In this post, I invite you to come take a look as I wait for my new table.
Before showing you the space, let me give you an update on my wargaming table.
An Update on my Wargaming Table
The table is actually new to me. A long while back, I wrote an article about finding the best table for miniature wargaming. After a lot of researching and day dreaming, I made my decision. My wife and I decided to commission a local carpenter to build us a new kitchen table and I would take our old one to my studio space for miniatures. Specifically, we went with this carpenter, but you won’t be seeing that new table in this space. I am taking the old one.

The old table you likely already have seen it. I used our dining room a fair bit for Must Contain Minis photoshoots in the past. It will really be nice to have it in a different space with better lighting.
That said, there I pondered what to do for a gaming table for a long time. My two front runners were another carpenter specifically for a gaming table and some self built IKEA hacks.
Other Serious Considerations
As mentioned above, I also considered a few IKEA hacks and another carpenter named Andrew Claessens. Andrew does carpentry and reno work. I’ve seen some of his gaming tables and they look great. You can see his reno work on his Facebook page. He doesn’t have any pictures of his table work there, but here is one he built recently for a store. Looks great and extremely sturdy.

Back to My Table
My table is not as exciting as the gaming table above, but it is going to do the job and I am excited.
It is my old dining room table, but I figure that I will be using gaming mats on it often so you might not even see the legs or surface of the table. I really like mats by Cigar Box and they actually drape over the edges of the tabl. Even if I don’t drape a mat over it, I can still make it look good with some vinyl from a local fabric store.
Now, let’s get to my space.
My New Miniature Gaming Studio Space
In my home, I am lucky enough to have two spaces for hobby work. One for building and painting miniatures, the other for a gaming table and photography area. Today, I am specifically discussing the second space which is my gaming and studio space away from my hobby desk.
The commissioned table for our dinning room is still to arrive, but it is close. Once I move my old table to this space, my gaming studio will be pretty much complete. Check out how great it looks though even without a table. Yes, Mrs. Must Contain Minis helped me with this space too. That is why it looks so great. lol.

You can see I have photography lights set up for two point lighting, and I have some Kallax Series Bookshelves at the end of the room to house my games.
What games do I have? Well, let’s take a closer look!

What is on the Shelves?

Going further to the right are my family games. Killer Bunnies, Ticket to Ride, Phase 10, and Scrabble are constant favourites.
Hidden away in another cabinet and closet I have my miniatures and terrain. I actually don’t have as big of a collection as one might think. I keep things rotating in and out of my collections.
Let’s zoom out to the whole space again.
A Couple More Pictures of my Miniature Gaming Studio Space
Below are a couple more shots of my gaming space before I wrap this article up. I have to say that I am happy and really excited about finishing up this area.

As soon as the table comes in, this area will be complete!
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me today in a tour of my miniature gaming studio space. The plan is that I will shoot video and photographs in this space for my web content. I have to admit, that I am very excited.
Post pandemic, I might even game here. Stay tuned to Must Contain Minis and soon you will see an update video about my hobby desk.
Until Next Time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!