Gaming Accessories are always nice to have, and when Heath Robinson asked if I wanted to check out his Elder Dice, I jumped at the chance. This post is a quick review of the Cthulhu Elder Dice that he sent to Must Contain Minis. In the interest of full disclosure, I received these at roughly half-price as I paid for my own shipping. Thank you very much Heath for these dice.
The set I received contains dice common to Role Playing Games (1d20, 1d12, 2d10, 1d8, 3d6 and 1d4), but they could also be used for miniatures games. In fact, a friend bought a bigger set of the dice and used his recently for a game of SAGA 2nd Edition (which is a miniatures game).
What makes these dice special is the icons on them and their highly decorated boxes. Now, let’s take a closer look at the Cthulhu Dice sent to us by Heath of Infinite Black.
Opening the Box

Overall, these are nice dice in a pretty package. For those that want Cthulhu themed dice, they are perfect!
While they are really nice dice, I do have a criticism.
Manufacturing Criticism – the Six Sided Dice
The dice look very nice, but all of my six-sided dice came with one identical blemish. One of the corners had a discoloured area. My guess is that the discoloured area is perhaps where the dice were cut apart during the manufacturing process, but I don’t really know the reason that the blemish is present.

After talking to a friend (who bought all of the Elder Dice), I learned that the blemish can be removed. To do so, you need a semi-rough surface (my gaming table / work bench works for that) with a microfiber towel placed on top. You then rub the corner of the die until the blemish is buffed out of the product. This technique worked well on my dice.

I will admit, I was a little worried when I saw the blemish on the dice, but with a little work, the spot buffed out okay. Blemish or not though, these dice are very usable and look great.
Wrapping it Up
Whether you play RPGs or Miniatures Games, Custom Dice are a nice to have item. If you like Cthulhu related themes, these Elder Dice may be right up your alley. I know I like them and when I saw that a friend of mine bought more than enough six-sided dice for a wargame, I thought that was pretty cool! I would like to quickly thank Heath for providing me with these dice for review! Below are some pictures of them on the gaming table.

The original Elder Dice came in three varieties and were available through a Kickstarter project. The collection in this post is the Cthulhu set.
Now, the guys at Infinite Black are at it again with another Kickstarter for three new dice sets. This time, the sets include the iconography of the Dream Lands, the Yellow Sign and the Necronomicon. My favourite looking set there is the purple Dream Lands. How about you? Which is your favourite of the new dice sets?
Finally, if you want to get your hands on the original Elder Dice (including this Cthulhu set), those sets are also available through this latest Kickstarter project.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Disclosure: Heath Robinson of Infinite Black Sent Must Contain Minis the Elder Dice Cthulhu Set (although we did pay for the shipping of the product). Thank you Heath for sending us these excellent dice.
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