In today’s post, we look at the CSD Mk1 Drone by RAFM Miniatures. These Drones are available either individually or in an Infantry Drone Boxed from RAFM’s USX: Modern Day Heroes Line. I purchased mine in individual blisters a number of years ago. Unlike the Cyber Reavers that I showcased earlier, I had a beginner’s understanding of shading when I painted these models. As a result, these miniatures turned out better than the Cyber Reavers. Both are great little miniatures.
When I bought these guys, I intended to use them for USX: Modern Day Heroes. I used them for that, but I also used them for Role Playing Games and think they would be great in many different Skirmish games. I almost used them for A Fistful of Kung Fu as law enforcement robots and am wondering how they will fit into Rogue Stars. Now, I plan to proxy them in Konflikt ’47 as an Automated Infantry Section. Check out these cool looking drones.
These sleek robots have a “corporate security bot” feel to me. The little light on the top sells that feeling to me. That said, I don’t want to be anywhere near a corporate security droid that mounts a Gatling gun. Perhaps it just fires rubber bullets. Anyone want to test that theory out? 🙂 |
I shaded the second one a little more than the first. I think they both look great – especially considering that I painted them a number of years ago. |
In Konflikt ’47, the Automated Infantry Section comes in units of 2 to 5 men where each is armed with an MMG. They have the Large Infantry, Resilient, Slow and Automation special rules. These two RAFM robots are certainly larger than the standard infantry figures for Bolt Action, so thematically, I think they fit well as proxy models.
Size Comparison between Warlord Games’ British models and RAFM Miniatures’ CSD Mk 1 Drones. |
Size Comparison between Warlord Games’ British models and RAFM Miniatures’ CSD Mk 1 Drones. |
A size comparison of Konflikt ’47 Automated Infantry models versus regular Bolt Action Infantry. As one can see, the official models are much taller than a regular Infantryman. Image from Clockwork Goblin’s Website. |
The official models are much taller than the RAFM Drones; however, the official models are not yet available by Warlord – so proxy models will do just fine. What do you think of these Drones by RAFM? Could you envision them working well in any specific miniatures games?