When I bought the 28mm Sandbags that I reviewed earlier by 6 Squared Studios, I also bought these 15mm Bales and Stacks of Hay. Just like the 28mm Sandbags, these terrain pieces were very affordable, painted up quickly and look great on my gaming table.
A look of the hay products with some game pieces. |
All of the hay in this picture cost me a total of $5.87 Canadian. Six Squared Studios certainly provides great value products to their customers. |
Below is a quick look at how some of the pieces come out of the bag.
This Hay Set of two mounds and one roll costs $2.49 Canadian. |
A picture of the unpainted roll and mound in front of a tank for scale comparison. |
To paint them, I basically followed the guide available from 6 Squared’s Blog (link no longer exists) but used the colours I had available – I could not find the exact ones that they used at the Craft Store.
I laid a layer of black paint as my primer. The little Hay Bale Set to the left cost me $0.89 Canadian. |
Then I painted a base layer of Brown Paint with a heavy dry-brushing. |
I then dry-brushed on Mustard Yellow. |
And followed up the Mustard Yellow with a Dark Yellow. |
To end, I highlighted the models with Daffodil Yellow. |
The end results are quite stunning and took me under an hour to complete. The longest part of the entire job was waiting for the black paint to dry so I could proceed with my other colours.
There is a gun hiding in that hay field! |
Our boys are in Trouble! |
The Sherman V in the rear saw the gun, but the days may be numbered for our Firefly! |
A StuG hiding in the hay. |
A view from the tabletop level. How fantastic do these products look!? |
As one can see, these are fantastic little pieces of scatter terrain. I think they would look great on any 15mm board. Personally, I will be using them for Tanks and Flames of War. Total investment to get 4 Hay Mounds, 2 Hay Rolls and 1 set of Hay Bales was $5.87 Canadian. That is affordable enough that shipping charges won’t hurt as much for my readers that don’t come across Six Squared Studios at conventions.
My verdict is that the 15mm Hay Set and Hay Bales from Six Squared Studios is that the models are absolutely worth a buy. They paint up fantastically and will look great on my table. As far as price, I have not come across another terrain company that gives me as good of value as Six Squared Studios and I hope that the company keeps up with pushing out great products.
That is the last of the Six Squared products that I have to review for now, but stay tuned, I plan to buy and review more the next time that I see them at a convention.
Side profile shot of what $5.87 Canadian gets you from 6 Squared Studios. In other popular currencies, these items sell for 3.40 British Pounds or $4.50 American. Not bad at all! |
Higher angled shot to show off the tops of these models. There are also 28mm scale Hay Products available from 6 Squared Studios. |
Please head on over to my Facebook Page and give it a “Like” if you are enjoying my articles. Also check out 6 Squared Studios. Those guys put out some great products.
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