Check these guys out! These are zombies by RAFM Miniatures in their USX: Modern Day Heroes line. This group of four miniatures comes in a single blister back for $10.95 Canadian. $10.95 for four metal miniatures with bases is a fantastic deal! They are fun sculpts and I would highly recommend them for any Modern Zombie game. I imagine they would be good whether you are looking to enhance a preexisting board game or fill out a miniatures game with some neat figures.
This set of four Zombies comes with a Crossing Guard, Child, Man and Woman for $10.95. |
Each of the figures are a little mangled, just as you would expect from a zombie. My favourite of the group is the Crossing Guard. He is super cool and personally this is the only Crossing Guard Zombie figure that I have ever seen.
There are some great details in this model. |
So much fun that he is dragging someone else’s arm for the Stop sign. |
Next up is the Child Zombie that the Crossing Guard is presumably helping across the street.
I like the details in the Backpack. |
The poor kids guts are hanging out and he somehow lost a shoe. |
Next up is the Male Zombie. This guy is badly broken with a busted up foot or leg and a clearly broken arm. He would not be in good shape if he was still living.
For some reason, this guy reminds me of Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s. It is probably just because of the sunglasses. 🙂 |
Finally, we have the Woman in the group. She is still in her nightie and munching on someone’s arm.
This is a great figure with good details. If I have any criticisms, it is that the arm feels little long – but I am not too bothered by that. |
This is definitely a woman that men should stay away from. “Mmmm Brains.” 🙂 |
To end, let’s take a look at how these models line up against other manufacturers.
Left to Right… RAFM, North Star – Frostgrave, RAFM, Wizards of the Coast – D&D, RAFM, Mantic Games, RAFM. |
These miniatures are a little big versus the others in the comparison group, but I think they are close enough to use together. I think these figures are a lot of fun and I like having them in my collection. If you like them, be sure to look up RAFM Miniatures.