Welcome to Must Contain Minis’ Centaur Avatara Review for Conquest by Para Bellum Games.
Para Bellum makes their miniatures big. In fact, they made their gaming scale 38mm for your average human and these Centaur Avatara miniatures are ginormous versus other lines of figures. Look at the size of this thing compared to a Primaris Space Marine!

In this post, I will quickly talk about building the figures, show plenty of pictures and link out to a comprehensive video version of this post at the end too. If Conquest interests you, we also have a deal with the Para Bellum Store [Affiliate Link] to potentially save you money. Use coupon code ‘MCM’ to get 10% off your first purchase from them.
Now, let’s dive right in.
Building the Spire Centaur Avatara Miniatures
I found building the Centaur Avatara models easy and straight forward. For a close up of the sprues, check out the video version of this review. Below are some quick highlights of the build.

Now here are the finished models.
The Finished Models
Here are my finished Centaur Avatara miniatures. Check these guys out!

Now, let’s see how they measure up versus other manufactures.
Scale Comparison

These miniatures are large!!! If you want to see these figures painted, I have pictures from Para Bellum in my announcement article from when these first came out.
For more, check out my very detailed video review of these figures.
The Video Review of Centaur Avatara Miniatures for Conquest
If the video below does not work, you can use this link. Now, here is that video review.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in my review of these Spire Centaur Avatara miniatures. They are really neat models. There is a ton of detail on these and they were enjoyable to put together.
If you are interested in getting these, check out your favourite store, or take a look at Para Bellum’s own webstore [Affiliate Link]. Use coupon code ‘MCM’ to save some extra money on your first purchase.
You can also find these at a good price on Wayland Games [Affiliate Link]. For a direct link to the product, use this one here [Affiliate Link].
Special thanks goes to Para Bellum for sending me these models for review.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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