With the hot news of brand-new Blood Angels coming for the 10th Edition, I dug out my copy of the previous Blood Angels Combat Patrol – Strike Force Marcellos.
This Blood Angel Combat Patrol is absolutely awesome! I am really curious as to whether the new Blood Angel Combat Patrol will provide the same level of value. As far as combat patrols, this one is one of the best for what it gives you versus what you pay – originally $246 worth of miniatures for just $168.
Inside, you get 5 Incursors, 5 Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 1 Impulsor and 1 Librarian.

A Deep Look
For a deeper look, check out this video unboxing. If you’re not into videos, don’t worry—I have some pictures below, too.
The Constructed Minis with some Upgrades
While these are the miniatures from the Blood Angels Combat Patrol, I actually added some bits to them to make them unique. I didn’t use the included Blood Angel upgrade sprue, but instead used the Death Watch Upgrade Sprue and left-over bits from a Sternguard Veterans set to create Veterans out of the Primaris Intercessors in this boxed set.

The idea is that they went through Death Watch, survived, and came back to the Ultramarines to form a highly Elite Sternguard Veteran unit.

These veterans are nearly ready for battle!

I built these as Incursors, but you could build them as Infiltrators if you prefer.

Likewise, there is a choice in how you arm the Aggressors and the Impulsor.

The Aggressors I built as the Flamestorm Gauntlet ones and added a Death Watch Shoulder pad to the Seargent.

The Impulsor I built with the Missile Array but left it unglued so I could swap in the shield dome or coms array as I wish.
To lead the group, you get an awesome Primaris Librarian.

Wrapping it up…
Overall, I really enjoyed building these miniatures and everything this box offers. It’s out of stock on GW’s site but you can still find it online, plus there’s a new box set on the way that has a lot of great minis in it.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!