Looking for something to listen to this work week? I made a special guest appearance on the Canadian Wargamer Podcast. On their show, I talk about young people (compared to my hosts) and how to get them more involved in Historical and Indy Wargaming.
I touch upon a few topics including my thoughts on making it easier for new people to get into the Indy and Historical miniatures hobby. On the show with me was Evan Switzer from The Ninth Age. Staying on topic, he discusses the difficulties of getting people excited and involved with the game that he promotes.
Overall an interesting discussion. If you have any further questions or thoughts, please leave them in the comments section below. This was my first appearance on a podcast. Our interview starts at the six-minute mark (6:00).
The Podcast – Canadian Wargamer Podcast Episode 6 With Guests Jacob Stauttener and Evan Switzer, ”The Kids In The Hall”
You can listen to the podcast right here on Must Contain Minis.
If this embedded player does not work, you can also check out the show with this link here.
Give it a listen, and if you want to get involved in the discussion, leave some comments at the end of this post. I would love to hear from you about your thoughts on what would work best to get more new people involved with Indy and Historical games!
Some of you might find interesting that the folks at The Canadian Wargamer podcast are working on a digital library of suggested books by their guests on the show.
My Canadian Wargamer Library Digital Library Suggestions Contribution
At the end of every interview, the guys from The Canadian Wargamer Podcast ask their guests for two titles to add to their suggested reading library. These books can be about Canadian history, Canadian military, or gaming. Preferably (but not must) they would have a Canadian connection.
Unfortunately, my choices do not have a Canadian connection. I like to focus my reading on a plethora of Wargaming Rulebooks. Osprey Games is a huge favourite of mine because of their high end quality at a fair price. They produce a huge amount of books, so they are generally my go to source for wargaming related books.
My additions to the library included…
Frostgrave Second Edition
Frostgrave and Stargrave I find to be absolute joys. These miniatures games have the right mix of campaign games and character building for me. I absolutely love these titles and their expansions. If you are wondering about either of the systems, I would highly encourage that you dive in. They are a lot of fun.
In the podcast, I claim that they are as close as you can get to Dungeons and Dragons in a wargaming format. A debatable comment, but one that I believe.
You can check out the second edition Frostgrave rule book through Osprey Games. It is also available at DriveThruRPG [Affiliate Link] and on Amazon [Affiliate Link]. If you buy from one of my affiliate links, a portion of the sales price goes to Must Contain Minis as a commission at no extra cost to you. The Wargames Vault also has a copy of the book available [Affiliate Link].
Because I also wanted to talk about my Collectors Edition Rulebook of Blood & Plunder, I chose to talk about Frostgrave. I like the fantasy theme and have more experience with this book than Stargrave. That said, they are both good.
Now, let me show you the second recommendation that I gave The Canadian Wargamer Podcast.
Blood & Plunder: The Collectors Edition Book
This book by Firelock games is absolutely beautiful and well worth the price for any serious collector. It combines the No Peace Beyond the Line Expansion with the Original Blood & Plunder Rule Book. It comes leatherette-bound and looks like something out of a classic book collection. The presentation of this book is outstanding!

If you want this book in your collection, you can order it straight from Firelock Games.
Wrapping it up…
If you haven’t given this podcast a listen to yet, please give it some time. Again, if you want to comment on how to get more people into Indy and Historical miniature wargaming, please leave some thoughts in the comments section below.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!