Warcradle studios has some really neat stuff coming out this month. They have three new fleet boxes for Dystopian Wars plus some new Sci-Fi terrain for 35mm gaming too. After taking a look at what is new for this month, we will quickly look at the items that came out last month from them.
America Enters Dystopian Wars
The first thing that I am going to look at is the Constitution Battlefleet set. This fleet set represents the American’s entry into Dystopian Wars.

This set brings in new and interesting elements to the game.

Like all of the kits so far, there are different ways that you can build the ships. Each way will give you a different profile in the game. I am interested to learn more about this as they come out.
Below are a couple of preview images from the Warcradle Studios Facebook Page.

If you want to check out check out the price on this box set, I have a direct link for you to Wayland Games. Wayland games owns Warcradle Studios so you are buying as close as you can to the manufacturer with this link. As a note in the interest of full disclosure, I am a part of their affiliate program so I do earn a small commission from them off of those links.
Now, here is that link to the Constitution Battlefleet Set on Wayland Games (Affiliate Link). If you have been waiting for the Americans to come out for Dystopian Wars, now is your time to check this out.
Other Dystopian War Releases
On top of the Constitution Battlefleet set for the Union, Warcradle is also releasing two other sets for Dystopian Wars. You will likely recognize these ships if you follow the game. They are previously released, but these releases give you a new way to get your hands on them.

If you want to check their prices, you can head to the Dystopian Wars Webstore (Affiliate Link), you will find the new releases at the bottom of the page.
Some Terrain Too!
On top of the new ships shown above, Warcradle Studios is also releasing some terrain for larger scale miniatures games.
This month, they released some sci-fi terrain. These are scaled for 35mm games. You can check the price of this new terrain set here (Affiliate Link).

Last month, they released the Gloomburg Castle and Siege Equipment set below (Affiliate Links). These are scaled for 28mm gaming and come pre-primed.

June 2021
In addition to the terrain that Warcradle released last month, they also released more Dystopian Battlefleet sets. All of these items are available now.

I got my hands on the Tempelhof Battlefleet set and am really looking forward to building it and sharing my experience with you. That will be a future post, so keep your eyes peeled.

You can check out the price of this fleet here. You can also check out the other Dystopian Wars products here (Affiliate Links). Personally, I am really excited about checking out Dystopian Wars and plan to build a few kits soon!
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this quick look at what is new by Warcradle Studios. This all looks like very exciting stuff to me.
If you want to learn more about Dystopian Wars, check out the Dystopian Wars website. My research for this article included the Warcradle Blog and the Warcradle Facebook page.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!