Modiphius is one of many gaming companies that I watch. These guys create Role Playing Games of all sorts, board games, and of course miniatures games too. It is the miniatures games that I am particularly interested in, so this post will be schewed towards them.
That said, I will discuss the news of some of their RPGs too.
If you want more information about what is coming, be sure to check out the YouTube video that I am drawing this news from. That video is linked and embedded at the bottom of this page.
Note: All images in this post are screen grabs from the video Modiphius: Coming in 2021 – Chris Birch, Sam Webb, Jon Webb, Guy Sclanders – ModCon 2020.
So, what are Modiphius’s plans for 2021? Let’s get into it.
The Year that was 2020 and Moving into 2021
Like many other companies, Modiphius found their release schedules delayed due to the pandemic. One of the directions that they took this past year was to give master classes on how to run RPGs. These courses teach how it is best to introduce people to your gaming system. These new master classes will carry on into 2021.
The company plans to partner with two groups this year for online play. Considering everyone is stuck at home for Lockdowns, this is a smart move. They are partnering up with and StartPlaying.Games to help people find players. They will also to step up their support on Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia.
Moving into News about the Games
Again, being that I focus on miniatures games, I will either breeze through or skip some of the news specifically related to RPGs. If you want deeper news about RPGs, be sure to check out the imbedded YouTube video at the end of this article.
Some interesting items that I plan to skip over include news about the RPGs for Dune, Dishonored, Homeworld, and Star Trek.
I am going to start the news in somewhat backwards order from Modiphius. I am going to start with the miniatures games, and then move into the RPG products. They went the other way around.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare
This is a game that I have had my eye on and wanted to jump in on since I first saw it. My local stores carry it and I find the game easy to find, but I am yet to buy myself a copy. This game just looks so interesting. Although I have not yet played the game, I stop and pay attention whenever I hear news of it.
Back in the day I spent a lot of time playing Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. I have not played the newer versions, but I have watched some twitch players go through the game. Specifically Stryke66. For those curious, his videos aren’t always “safe for work,” but it is fun watching someone play through the game. He can also be pretty entertaining.
Also, watching the Fallout playthroughs gives me a connection to the new material in the Fallout World despite not playing the new games.
Anyhow, check out these new previews!!!

Although I am not exactly sure what Fallout New Vegas will entail for the miniatures game, I am very interested. It sounds like each new faction will get three new core box sets. I look forward to seeing more NCR figures!
Finally, Modiphius provided us a tease image of even more that is to come in 2021.

Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls looks to be a very cool game to me. My understanding is that it uses a modified version of the Fallout Wasteland Warfare miniatures game. I am not familiar with the video game world, so each time I see new releases, all the content is new to me. That said, the miniatures all look beautiful so far.
Modiphius plans to release a ton of content for this game in 2021. Below I placed some screen shots of what they discussed.

Next up, I didn’t take a screen shot of it, but they plan to launch a bunch of Tabletop Simulator Mods so that you can play the game online completely free. I am not sure how much is free, but it sounds significant.
What a great way to keep playing games with your friends while everyone is on lockdown.

Overall, there is a lot of content coming out for Elder Scrolls. I am not sure about you, but this is yet another game that has my attention. I’ll keep watching to see what all they release. Their first sets looked beautiful, so I am expecting some good stuff.
Now that I discussed their miniatures releases, let’s move on to a few select Role Playing Games.
Fallout RPG
Fallout will be coming to the tabletop in a new RPG book. They will make a 320 page hardcover core rulebook, custom dice, a gamemasters toolkit, a new starter set and a collectors edition box set.

Despite not playing RPGs, I love Conan. The Mopiphius Conan Artbook is simply amazing! It provides high quality artwork with a very pleasing layout.
Well, they are not done with Conan yet. That art book will hit the retail release in Q3 of 2021. For now, you can pick it up in a PDF format and I have a review with sample pictures here on Must Contain Minis.

Kickstarter backers will also be seeing new content this year too. I did not take any captures of what they are to expect.
Achtung! Cthulhu
Achtung! Cthulhu is getting the 2D20 treatment and being turned into a Role Playing game this year. Being that my focus is miniatures, we will graze over this by looking at some of their artwork. Gruesome stuff.

As an interesting note, Modiphius launched their company with the Achtung! Cthulhu game.
Infinity RPG
The Infinity RPG will see a few new releases this year.

Mutant Chronicles
The Mutant Chronicles was the second big game that the company published. They have a few campaigns coming out in 2021 for retail release.

The YouTube Source Video
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this look at Modiphius in 2021. Is there anything here in particular that grabs your interest? For me, it is the NCR and the sheer volume of kits planned for Elder Scrolls.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!