In this post, we give a review of Monster Fight Club’s Village Well terrain set. This two piece pre-painted resin model comes in at about $15 American and is ready to go right out of the package.

Disclaimer: Monster Fight Club sent me this terrain piece for review. While I accept review products, I am in no other way compensated for my posts and reserve the right to give positive and negative reviews.
In this article, I provide both a written and video review of the product. I will start with the video.
Video Review
Here is my video review and showcase of the Monster Scenery Well.
Written Review
Straight out of the pack, this product is ready to go. No painting or building required. There is not too much too say about this terrain piece. It looks great, requires no work, and I will allow you to come to your own conclusion about the value of the product for its price.
To review this model, I think you just need a good idea of what you are getting. In this terrain review, I do exactly that. Below are a number of images of the Village Well along with some scale comparison images too.

Now, let’s pair this well with some miniatures for scale comparison.
Scale Comparison Images
Now, check this out. First up, I paired the well with a 28mm Frostgrave miniature.

Oh, I haven’t mentioned yet, the village well model comes with a roof too. For the rest of the pictures, I included that roof.

And for people more into Games Workshop Games, like Age of Sigmar, I have a scale comparison picture for you too.

Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this terrain review of scenery by Monster Fight Club. If you like this post, be sure to check out the terrain and Monster Fight Club Sections of Must Contain Minis. Also, please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you haven’t already.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!