In this post, we take a look at painted Dutch Militie miniatures for Blood and Plunder by Firelock Games. These figures were painted by my friend Dave Lamers. He is a commission painter who excels at speed painting large batches of miniatures to a tabletop standard.
Now, let’s take a closer look.
The Dutch Militie
Firelock Games added the Dutch Militie to the game in the Blood & Plunder: No Peace Beyond the Line Expansion Book. Straight up, this is the Dutch Militia unit for your crews. My set of miniatures came in the Dutch Nationality Starter Set.
The Dutch Militie come armed with firelock muskets and standard melee weapons. There is no option to change their weapons, but you can upgrade them from inexperienced to trained for one point a model.
Their advantage is that they are cheap – points wise that is. Price wise, they cost the same as any other Blood & Plunder miniature. These guys come in at just 3 points a figure and they get the drilled special rule.
The drilled special rule means that if you put them in base-to-base contact as a group, you get the advantage of using a dedicated action for firing your weapons. By using a dedicated action to shoot, you increase your militia’s chances to hit.
This is a good thing because they are otherwise bad shots and not very good in a fight either.
The Painted Miniatures
With that out of the way, let’s look at how Dave painted the minis.

Overall, Dave painted up another group of nicely done miniatures. Soon we will be wrapping up this look at the Dutch Miniatures in the Dutch Nationality Starter Box.
Relevant Must Contain Minis Links
Like this article? Be sure to watch the comprehensive YouTube video and check out the wrap up article too.

Wrapping it up…
Special thanks goes out to Dave for painting these miniatures. I bought these figures as part of the Blood & Plunder: No Peace Beyond the Line a few years ago. Firelock Games makes excellent miniatures that look really pretty on the tabletop.
For those wondering, I used a Cigar Box Battle Mat as the backdrop for this photoshoot.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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